
2024-2025 Hours/Days

If you can't view the calendar below, please click here to open it in a new browser window.

Would you like to add this calendar to your own calendar?

If you are using:

  • Gmail or a Google Apps calendar: Click the "+ Google Calendar" icon at the bottom of the calendar.
  • Calendar (Mac): Open Calendar, go to "Edit", then "New Calendar Subscription". Enter the ICS information shown below and configure the calendar (make sure to set it to update every 5 minutes).
  • OutlookClick here for instructions.
  • iPhone: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, then tap Add Account. Tap Other, then tap Add Subscribed Calendar. Enter the ICS information shown below.
  • Android (if you aren't using the Google Calendar App): Click here for instructions.

ICS (iCal) Information:


Monday through Friday

TTPS is open from 8am-5pm

Days Closed

Please NOTE: Families of Tabor Tots Preschools
OPEN. Nov. Parent-Teacher conferences
We will continue to Close for State of Oregon Teacher in-service and planning days for required staff certification. 
We will continue to follow Portland Public Schools for their inclement weather advisory.

You are also welcome to contact us to verify if the school is opening late or closed.